Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Northside Community Council: April 16th

Here are the notes I spoke from at the council meeting.
A motion to send a letter to the City of Cincinnati, urging them to give "Sector A" to skatepark use, was passed unanimously (with a LOT of members present).

What a Skatepark is:




Where they go:

Skate-able terrain

Neighborhood SkateParks

World Class City SkatePark

Proper placement for maximum positive impact....

What good they are:

-local business (food, gas)

popularity and Reputation
-establishment of new levels of commerce (tattoos, Punk Rock, Hip-Hop)

Crime prevention

-a properly placed Skate Presence will run out crime.


"Northside: The First Skate-Friendly Neighborhood in Cincinnati/The Midwest/America/The World"

1. Skate-Able elements/areas incorporated into strategic areas
-American Can
-Children's Park
-Not marginalizing, but embracing the 40+ year art/sport phenom of skate culture

2. Establishment of a Quality Local Park in "Sector A"
-secure neighborhood
-impact crime
-create great reputation

3. Nurture and Development of Skate Culture/Art in Northside
-Skate Shop
-increase visibility of Northside as a "Skate Mecca"

De-marginalizing Skateboarding in Cincinnati, starting in Northside, can't help but enrich our community way beyond the costs.

Practical Action Points for Northside Community council:

1. N-Side CC to get behind it and push!
-guide fund raising

understand value versus cost:
"can-do" attitude

2. Secure Sector A

3. Interface effectively with CRC.

We want this.

We don't buy into the "Liability" misunderstanding.

We push through "conservinertia".

Thanks to every member who voted (unanimously) for Sector A to be given to SkatePark use. We know that the city will hear you, and we will soon (=er or later) have a great park for the betterment of our youth and community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When will the skatepark be under construction?